Monday 19 December 2011


sorry olls, i do not open everyday this blog coz i always use my first blog hehehehee...nk tahu ape2 perkembangan hyda just open my first blog yew :)... totally, hyda mmg busy and tired sesangt first will go to KL so i should pack my clothes ... that's way i do not on9 facebook and twitter..

last but not least, i have to go now, coz my clothes and my things that i want to bring to kl ---> hyda belom kemas ny  <----- so, kalau ade ape2 nk tnya just go to my fb and do leave a comment k... nnty hyda reply mcm thatday ....

p/s: i love my hometown ----> pulau pinang :) see you again yaw 

Friday 2 December 2011

vengeful :(

holla, oh my gad !!! i hate this people so much,.. want some intro??? just forget it ... hello, why arr you ni... dh la bagi aku sakit hati,,,, susah nk gitau kt sini,... pegi YM just chat with me nnti i tell you about this story ... kt sini aku nk nguutuk pon xley... so scared ???? just GO AWAY girl..CEITT... middle finger up for you girl... FUCK, KNUCKLE HEAD, mcm2 lagyy la.. this time my angry really2 explode KEBABOOOOOOOOOOOMMM...

Wednesday 16 November 2011


yesterday, my teacher already announced who is the winner of cooking competition .... THE WINNER IS MISS SIMLE CHEF -i'm so speechless cuz i cannot imagine that my group is the winner.... truely, all of the members in my group tak tahu masak p0wn..we just try in syahirah's house and ainul's house... tak tahu p0wn akn jd winner... sbb tu la kan org kata X CUBA X, now i already understand mkna yg tersirat


Thursday 22 September 2011

headache again

arghh...donno nk masuk sekolah ape for form 1...i prefer do not to go ASRAMA PENUH..but at the same time nk pergi asrama, my mother ask me to enter sekolah sains (soksek) sbb irfan iskandar putra (the most cleverest) ada dkt sekolah tu dan dia juga kwn syawal... and at the same time, i also wanted to enter sekolah high school dan convent sbb ni la.. aku pening kepala sngt-sngt..x tahu nk buat apa !!!
u all tahu jela kalu masuk asrama penuh x leh buat apa kan...

frist, jarang tengok tv, x leh bawa handphone, laptop, baju kena seterika sendiri and kena berdikari...aku lemah sngt bahagian ni..kalau belajar tu ok je
and kalau sekolah harian...kita boleh balik rumah dan bermain game,dengar lagu sambil belajr (baru relax sikit)..haih...last sekali, kalau juga' x tahu nk prgi sekolah mana pi je lah sekolah machang bubok walaupon hati ni skmkb tu ada sepupu aku syafiq aku tumpang dia dh la (tu pon kalau dia bagi la)..

Monday 19 September 2011


i'm very speechless ... i'm very happy because just evening my friends and i went to the syahirah's house...we were very happy and took some photographs utk kenangan la sbb kami thn ni last SOBS...SOBS hrp-hrp korang will remember me as long as we still alive ok..and i'm going to cry when i wrote this statement while heard a korean song.. and u all must promise to me that u all will be my friends ... and i always remember u wherever you are ..... otherwise, kita dh berkawan selama 6 thn except farhana,hidayu,abdur rahman,nurlisa,rafique,iffah and more lagi kiteorang dh berkawan sejak dari tadika lagi...

so, i will miss my friends a lot ............

Sunday 18 September 2011

Congratulations... tired because my mom and i baru je balik drpd melawat my mom's friend, cikgu intan
anyway,dia baru lps bersalin so mama hadiahkan kpd dia something (cannot tell u all)...ttp yg sedihnya, emk cikgu tu meninggal setelah cikgu tu melahirkan anaknya yg ke3..kesiannyer...mudah-mudahan ALLAH give cikgu tu strength ok dan tempatkanlah emak cikgu tu di dlm kalangan org yg beriman...AMIN....

p/s: moga-moga keluarga arwah dpt ditempatkan di dlm golongan org-org yg beriman

Friday 16 September 2011

Headache :)

pening kepala la nk pikir nk cooking apa utk cooking competition next week....ya allah please help me and also my group..kiteorang dh buntu dan x tahu nk buat menu apa

and jalan penyelesaiannya, kami panggil CHEF WAN je la...x pyh compete ngn group lain...sbb dh tau keputusan dh tntu group kami win sbb called chef wan betol x.

i wish that my group can win.....